This #GivingTuesday Make A Life Saving Donation To Our Street Kitty Fund
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Soft Side launched the Street Kitty Fund in 2019 because there were very few places
for caretakers to turn to when street cats and kittens needed medical help.
Thanks to our supporters, we fix broken tails and broken legs, infected eyes,
upper respiratory infections, and mouths full of rot. Why? Because these cats don’t
deserve to suffer just because they were dumped or born on the streets.
Every year, hundreds
of kitties are approved for medical care and the number keeps growing. Since
our humble beginnings, we’ve covered the medical costs for almost 2000
cats, many of whom end up transitioning to forever homes because they weren’t
really feral – simply lost or abandoned. But we can’t continue this work without
your help. Can we count on you to show
YOUR soft side?